Add Guild to your website. Once approved, our small Guild stamp will show up on the edge of your web pages.
For every visitor to your site with an access pass, you get paid. A pass can be purchased on any Guild member site and is valid for every Guild member site. In return, your site is required to meet a set of standards that ensure an excellent viewer experience.
For visitors who don’t have an access pass, we will occasionally demand their attention. When we do, we explain how Guild works and they can complete a purchase of an access pass with a few clicks. Don’t worry. We’re good at figuring out how and when to bother people just the right amount.
An access pass provides a visitor with the following:
- Access to exclusive content on your site,
- Access to exclusive content across all Guild sites
- An ad-free experience.
An access pass is a one-time purchase of $1 per month. The net proceeds are distributed weekly to Guild members on a pro-rata basis according to content consumption by the pass holder for that week.