We know that a lot of website publishers depend on experts like you to design, develop, and/or maintain their sites. The success of Guild depends on people like you supporting the concept.
We want you to convince your clients to integrate Guild into their sites. So we’re doing everything we can to make this worthwhile for you as well as your clients.
First, we want this to be as easy as possible for you. So for WordPress developers, we have the guild-network plugin that, we hope, does almost all of the work. Just install, activate, and configure the plugin and your client’s site should be good to go. If you do not use WordPress, it is still quite easy. You just need to add a Guild embed code into the <head> section of the site’s pages.
Second, we don’t want to step on your toes. Guild adds a small “stamp” on the side of the site’s pages. Tapping on the stamp opens a slide-out panel with information about why and how to purchase an access pass. We use neutral colors and fonts so that we fit well into most sites. The plugin takes care of hiding ads and exclusive content appropriately based on whether the visitor has an access pass. Otherwise, we do our best to stay out of your way.
Third, and most important, we want you to be rewarded. Our affiliate program means that you get a share of the Guild revenue from the site for the first three months after it goes live. Your share is 10% of the net proceeds from all pass purchases on the sites where you are listed as the affiliate when the site was registered with Guild.