The Guild plugin allows publishers to designate any posts, pages or other content as exclusive. Exclusive content is only visible to Guild pass holders. Visitors that don’t own a Guild access pass will be able to see links or summaries of exclusive content but will not be able to view the exclusive content itself. Instead they will see a part of the post or page along with a link or button to purchase a pass. Essentially publishers can mark any content as exclusive and place it behind the Guild “paywall”.
So the question is what is the right content to make exclusive? Which should really be prefaced by “what is the motivation for making content exclusive?” There are typically two drivers for exclusive content.
Rewarding returning visitors (fans). Publishers may want to reward visitors to their site who have supported them by providing these visitors with exclusive fan content (behind the scenes videos, member only content, early access, etc.) aimed at rewarding their loyalty.
Converting new visitors. Alternatively publishers may want to make some of their most popular or in demand content exclusive to drive access pass purchases. Remember that publishers get an immediate piece of the access pass revenue for access passes purchased on their sites.
Exactly which strategy to follow will depend on the state of the site. New or emerging sites may opt for the latter to drive pass conversions and grow their customer base, whereas more established sites may choose the former to reward their existing customer. Inevitably a combination of both approaches will likely be necessary to optimize publisher revenue.